Information Beautiful Beach In Indonesia

Sundak Beach Gunungkidul Tourism Yogyakarta

Indonesian Beach - Sundak beach is a beach in the area of ​​Gunung kidul, precisely in the Village District Sidoharjo Tepus. Located on the southern coast line of beaches lined with Kukup, Krakal, Drini, During and Baron Beach.

Sundak Beach

This beach can be reached by road for approximately 2 hours from the city of Yogyakarta. When entering the south coast region, visitors are charged an entrance fee of Rp 5,000 for one motorcycle.

Sundak Beach

Sundak Beach Gunungkidul

Sundak marine life can be seen clearly in the receding shore. Ranging from small gelodok fish that swim in the holes in the water corals, sea urchins are relatively small size that fills the holes in the water corals.

Sundak Beach

Sea stars snaking various sizes also fill holes but some are now under way in the desert seagrass place to eat, to find enough large enough sea hares (Indicates sea water at the beach are quite awake of pollutants because these animals are very sensitive to water pollutants).

Sundak Beach

It also found some with sea eel And many more marine biota, such as Padang in Sundak Beach Seagrass, Algae such as Ulva sp., Chaetomorpha sp. Sargassum sp. Padina sp. Enteromorpha sp. etc.

Sundak Beach Gunungkidul Tourism Yogyakarta Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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